AssetWise Implementation Guide

Data Categories

Different AssetWise data categories require different approaches to the implementation of permissions.

AssetWise data is grouped into the following categories.

Category Type Description
A Supporting Rudiments For example software file formats, location types, keywords.
B Object Instance Information The main entities that AssetWise identifies and controls, for example persons, documents, and so on.
C Object Dependent Information This is information that has no meaning without the object. For example, document keywords, attributes, document electronic files.

A directional object-to-object relationship also forms object dependent information, for example, contained-in documents.

D Object-To-Object Information This is object interdependent (from both ways). This is information derived from the relationship with other objects (normally but not necessarily in a many-to-many).

This may be broken down further into simple and complex relations:

  • Simple – Grouped virtual item to document, document references (may include named relations).
  • Complex – Responsibilities (since this brings together three independent objects).
E Group Dependent Object Information These are any contextualized objects from category B, C and D. For example, virtual items in a group.